Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The End Will Come (But not the way some idiots teach!)

C'mon Man!

For all of those who have been teaching that Saturday, September 23, would have been tbe the end of the world, please stop with the idiocy! Wake up call fellas! Jesus said that the Gospel must be preached before the end, “And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; AND THEN THE END WILL COME.” Matthew 24:14

Why don’t these so-called “prophets and numerologists read contextually?!! There’s a long way to go before the end ever happens because there’s a huge challenge that’s in front of the Christian community.

And that challenge is Unreached People Groups. According to Global Frontier Missions, here is the definition of the challenges:

[Unreached People Group (UPG)] or [Least Reached People Group]: an identifiable group of people distinguished by a distinct culture, language, or social class who lack a community of Christians able to evangelize the rest of the people group without outside help. The only opportunity for the people group to hear about salvation is through an “external witness.” Most missiologists consider 2% of the population becoming Christ followers as the “tipping point” at which the group is generally considered “reached” with the Gospel.

[Unengaged Unreached People Group (UUPG)]: According to Finishing the Task, there are 1510 remaining unengaged, unreached people groups numbering over 46 million souls that are still beyond the reach of the Gospel. These 1510 ethnic groups are perhaps the neediest of the needy as they are unengaged, which means that no church, no missionary, no mission agency…no one has yet taken responsibility to tell them about Jesus Christ.

Obviously, this will take some time. So PLEASE, don’t be swayed by anyone who ever teaches that the end will come on a specific day or hour. Even Jesus said, “However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.” Matthew 24:36
God help us to be passionate about sharing The Gospel of Jesus! And may we be the answer to our own prayers.

Check out these two videos (and a UPG List at the bottom of the page) that will help your understanding of the challenge and false claims of the idiots: