when we accept ownership of our powerlessness and helplessness, when we
acknowledge that we are paupers at the door of God’s mercy, then God can make
something beautiful out of us.” Brennan Manning
said in Matthew 5:3, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom
of heaven.”
Thirsty. Hungry. I doubt many of us want to be paupers at anyone’s door. But to
be the pauper at the door of God’s mercy is the soul who cries out, “I need a
Savior!” Not just once when one comes to a Jesus moment in life; but in every
waking, redeeming moment. God is a redeeming God with every breath we take and
offers mercy with every screwup we make. But pride keeps us away from His door.
It’s the old “I can do this my way, thank you very much.” We don’t want to
admit our poverty. Yet in all our poverty are His riches.
we are desperate for peace, clarity, and direction; He will grant them. If we
are thirsty for life, fullness, joy, love and grace; they are all within our
reach. If we are hungry for truth, intimacy, mercy, faith, integrity, and
esteem, He will graciously fill all those needs and desires. But first we must
come to Him as paupers, empty of self to be filled with the Spirit. Then,
imagine what it will be like when God opens that door of mercy?! Only beauty
awaits. After all, Jesus turned all earthly values upside down. The spiritually
poverty stricken, filled with the richness of His presence, are the ones for
whom those doors to the Kingdom of Heaven are opened even now!