Sunday, November 5, 2017

God Desires (even) Me

Song of Songs 7:10 I belong to my beloved, and his desire is for me.

How long will it take for me to realize that God really desires me?! After all, I belong to Him, so why not?! Why not realize this glorious reality? Is it pride? Is it guilt? Is it a feeling of unworthiness? Is it that sense that God is so big and I am so miniscule that He should even give me a second thought? But He does! (Psalm 8:3-4 – “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?”)

You see, if you re-read all of those questions, there is a thread theme. Me. It’s amazing how I can turn even His furious love for me against me because of me! How idiotic! How ironic! How “I!” Self-effacement and the feelings expressed are just those; selfish feelings of deception that would lure me away from the intimacy that my Savior longs for. The only One I should be seeing (and others seeing in me as well) is Christ. If I truly “clothe myself with Christ” (Romans 13:14), the only reality of what I should see is Him. Not a mask. Not a costume. Not some false religious garb. Rather a consummation. A filling with the Holy Spirit so powerful that the most religious and the most irreligious of people will see Christ in me, the hope of glory.

It’s usually during those dark times when those questions are asked. When is seems like the Light is dim, when prayers are stale, when faith seems somehow muted, and when no matter how hard I try to climb the ladder to a right relationship with Him, I keep falling off. But God doesn’t want me to climb. Climbing will just weary me. Climbing is just being religious. He just wants me to rest. Rest in Him. The only place He wants me to climb is on His lap to a place of safety, as a trusting son would climb upon his father’s lap. The Father longs for me to see His Son, by His Spirit, in me. Fully engaged. Fully intimate. “Look me in the eyes”, he says. Hear me when I say, “My desire is for you…you are mine.” And now, with tears, as I look in His eyes, I begin to understand what is perfect trust, peace, grace, mercy, unconditional love, protection, care, nurturing, and everything I truly need to persevere in this crazy life…this crazy world.

Now I see, I truly “belong to my beloved.”

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