Sunday, June 2, 2013

TRUST in Unconditional Love (May 26 - June 2)

TRUST in Unconditional Love 5-26-2013
Psalm 118:8-9
"It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in people.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes."

Refuge: A place of safety. Shelter from hardship or danger. SomeOne we turn to for security.

Am I really taking refuge in the Lord? Is He really the one I trust? Is my trust ruthless, at any cost, absolute, undeniable, fearless? I’m afraid not.

My tendency is to trust in people. And my expectations are lowering. I am told to trust in our government. That’s just a bold-faced lie no matter your political leanings. I’ve trusted in institutions, marriage, parenting, children, churches, pastors, teachers, women, friends, and employers. And you know what? One way or the other they have all let me down. And you know what’s even worse? I’ve played those roles one way or the other and I have let people down.

You knew this was coming…there is only One in whom I ultimately place my trust, but I waver so often. It’s not a lack of faith because I know in my heart God can do anything. The problem is me.

Ultimately my trust is in the love of Jesus. He is the only One who has loved me unconditionally.

On May 31, during our office pizza party, I had the opportunity to share what unconditional is all about. A young author’s girlfriend was starting to have concerns about her future relationship with her boyfriend. The publisher was expressing to her the importance of being his major source support and encouragement. There was another young author eaves dropping on our conversation. The publisher then asks me if I had any input, prefacing the statement to the young woman by introducing me as a man of faith. So God gave me the words from Scripture. I shared about the three types of love: Eros, or erotic love; Phileo, or brotherly, or deep friendship love; and Agape; unconditional love…the love that says, “I love you period. My love for you is based on love for who you are, not what you are or what you do.”

The love that Jesus expressed on the cross, providing the most unconditional form of love providing absolute forgiveness. Dying and rising from the dead…that we may be forgiven and live. That is the  unconditional love of Whom I place my trust.

Then I used an illustration of a young engaged couple who are on a ski trip. The man gets involved in a ski accident and becomes paralyzed from his waist down and will never walk again. If the woman sticks with her fiancĂ© because she loves him is her expression of unconditional love. She loves him for who he is, not what he is or what he can or cannot do (walk). If she didn’t stick with him because of his paralysis, then she didn’t love him unconditionally. Well…all three were dumfounded by my (God’s) revelation. And when I looked over at the concerned woman, she looked like she had some sort of epiphany. She now had some serious food for thought. The other author had never heard anything like that and kept saying, that is so rich, so amazing.

God loves us you as you are and not as you should be. Do you believe this? That God loves you beyond worthiness and unworthiness, beyond fidelity and infidelity, that He loves you in the morning sun and the evening rain, that He loves you without caution, regret, boundary, limit, or breaking point?” Brennan Manning

Then I read this from Brennan Manning on June 1:
Faithfulness to Jesus implies that with all our sins, scars, and insecurities, we stand with Him; that we are formed and informed by His Word; that we acknowledge that abortion and nuclear weapons are two sides of the same hot coin minted in hell; that we stand upright beside the Prince of Peace and refuse to bow before the shrine of national security; that we are a life-giving and not a death-dealing people of God; that we live under the sign of the Cross and not the sign of the bomb.

Even though my trust isn’t perfect, I choose to place my trust in the only true Prince of Peace. He is the one Who will NEVER let me down or put me in any situation where His unconditional love is not trustworthy. He is truly my refuge, strength, and shelter in any of life’s storms and the only One I turn to for security.

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