Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Crown of Beauty

Crown of Beauty

Jesus’ promises are true
He saves, heals and delivers
He truly makes all things new
He binds up the broken hearted

He turns my sorrow into dancing
I dance with joy that my Savior lives
For He has granted me His favor with Light
In paths of darkness

No longer in despair
I’m robed in a garment of praise
He’s called me to be an oak of righteousness
For the obvious display of His splendor

I’ve seen my life an ash heap
Burned so much…I’m dry
He blew away the smoldering dust
Bids me to come and bow

As I bow He lifts my head and
Looks in my tear filled eyes
And bestows on me a crown
And then I hear His voice, “Because of Me,
you are beautiful, and here’s your crown to prove it.”

“The crown I wore for you bloodied and
is replaced by the one I bestow on you as
 CVA 5/7/2013
Inspired by Isaiah 61:1-3

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