Sunday, May 5, 2013

Let's Get Real

4/29/13 Let’s get real.
"It is useless to break your head over the same old details week after week and year after year, pruning the same ten twigs off the top of the tree. Get at the root: union with God….drop everything and hide yourself to find Him in the silence where He is hidden within you, and listen to what He has to say. There is only one thing to live for: love. …what pains me is to see my own soul so full of movement and shadows and vanities, cross-currents of dry wind stirring up the dust and rubbish of desire. I don’t expect to avoid this humiliation in my life, but when will I become cleaner, more simple, more loving? ‘Have mercy on me O God. My sin is always before me.’” Thomas Merton

Even though I know that I have been cleansed of my sin by the forgiving blood of Jesus, doesn’t mean I’m (we’re) perfect. But His mercy is perfect. His grace is perfect. His love is perfect.

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