I’m sick and tired of “ists”: Leftists, rightists, extremists, lobbyists, political activists, Wall Streetists, Hollywood and media elitists, racists, abortionists, anti-abortionists, masochists, feminists, hedonists, nihilists, narcissists, atheists, religionists, animal activists, spiritualists, gay activists, and any other “ists” you can imagine. Frankly, I’m sick of all of it. What this world needs is more “Jesus-ists.” A people who live non-judgmental, unconditional lives of love, forgiveness, mercy, grace, and compassion. And more people who are willing to “give up their own lives” and agendas for Jesus. When we look to Him, we will find the Truth. But it is so unfortunate that our own agendas blind us to the Master’s agenda of providing true peace, hope, love, freedom and reconciliation. Let’s stop making God in our own image and live lives conformed to His.
“The terrible thing is that our society, which pretends to be Christian, is in fact rejecting the word of God, enabled to do so by the all-pervading, suffocating noise of its own propaganda, able to make itself believe whatever it wants.” Thomas Merton
Matthew 10:34, 39 "Don't imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword…If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.” Jesus
And yes...I'm an IDEALIST!