Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Do You Cry at Christmas

Do You Cry at Christmas?

What’d you do on Christmas morn?
Do you have anticipation?
Miss the kids from whom you’re torn?
“Happy Birthday” celebrations?

Do you ever think of Jesus?
Suppress all memories?
Miss the family that was “us?”
The life of family “trees?”

They come across as wasted years.
You have a new life now.
My heart senses no shed tears...
Memories so shallow.

Do you cry at Christmas?
Heart broke, each day I cry.
Music drones hollow and distant
And the romance in me strives…

Strives to move forward in peace.
Strives to worship when dry.
Strives to find some release
From the lonely desire to die.

The joy is stripped this season.
Two Christmases without.
My heart is torn in reason.
Love left its depths of doubt…

Doubt of ever loving again.
Doubt of ever being happy.
Doubt of cleaning out this stain…
Life’s great catastrophe.

Do you cry at Christmas?

Charlie Albertell
December 3, 2010

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